Sakarauli, Hata, Kushinagar
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25 DECEMBER 2021
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25 DECEMBER 2021
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Rules & Regulations
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Discipline and virtue are the hallmark of our students. We expect that the students entrusted to our care, Conduct them to the satisfaction of concerned and leave the school after a successful career as God fearing young men & women useful to themselves, their parents & the society.
Students are urged to contribute to the high tone of the school by their manners and I general behavior. Hence for the smooth running of the school, no student should j bring to school any object liable to prove a source of disturbance.
Absolute silence must be maintained at all places during teaching hours, whether it is the library, the computer room, the general assembly or on way to and from the class room etc.
It is compulsory to speak in English in the premises in order to facilitate the students the use of the medium of instruction. They should maintain a high standard in their conversation.
Out of course books, newspaper, periodicals, pictures, games articles, transistors or any electrical instrument not pertaining to their daily use should not be brought to school without the class teacher's/principal’s permission. If detected or found to have bad influence on the fellow students, these will be confiscated and students found guilty may be punished.
The school does not accept responsibility for the loss of books, money stationary etc. each student is responsible for his/her own things. Bringing of valuables to the school is discouraged.
The General Assembly is the most important part of the school day. Every student • should be present in to begin the day with prayer to God, and listen to the important announcement.
All must come to school in time neatly dressed with lessons well prepared and homework done. Text and exercise books and material for drawing, Art craft should be brought to school according to the day's routine.
Student should keep their school compound spotlessly clean using the bins provided for waste paper and rubbish.
Student repeatedly coming late or forgetting to bring or coming without the proper uniform may be punished.
All the pupils should be in school on the first day of each term without fail. Regular attendance is a pre-requisite to good education and an important factor in deciding promotion.
(a) Take private tuition in any subject from any member of the school staff.
(b) Give gifts to the member of the school staff
(c) Enter a class room other than their own.
All leave must be applied for in writing addressed to the Principal. No student shall proceed on leave without sanction and permission specially when the leave exceed two days.
All children are expected to bring the Tiffin with them for the noon Recess. Children should be provided with Tiffin, so that they do not have to buy any eatable at all from anywhere.
Pupils suffering from contagious or infectious disease should not attend school.
All should take part in the activities of the school. If physically unfit, a medical certificate should be produced.
Parents must intimate the school whenever their residential address or telephone number are changed in order to communicate to theming urgent matters in the interest of their children.
Principal must be informed of the absence of the student at the earliest.
If a student is likely to be absent due to illness for a long period, the Principal must be informed immediately through an application with the name, class and section of their ward.
Parents/Guardian are requested not to give ant money to the children unless they I receive a written notice from the school.
Continuance on the rolls of the school is subject to satisfactory progress in studies. Any student who fails for the second consecutive year in the same class will not be permitted to continue in the school.
Student must be regular and punctual in attendance.
Leave of absence during the term will not be granted except under very special circumstances.
Requests for leave an medical ground must be supported by certificate of a registered medical practitioner.
Fee must be paid regularly. A student's name is liable to be struck off if the fees are in arrears at the end of the respective quarter.